Skidded Filter System

  • Skidded Filter System

Skidded Filter System

There are situations when you need portable filtration systems especially when you have to perform filtration at multiple points in a plant or you have to use a system at different locations. In certain applications industries like to lease a system instead of installing it permanently. For such scenarios we have developed what we call “Skidded Filter Systems”. The entire system is mounted on a skid and is easily transferrable.


  • The high flow filter housing can be customized to meet customer’s requirement.
  • The high flow filter housing has smaller dimension to reduce the cost, also save some plant space and meet customer needs.
  • The high flow filter housing has vertical design to conforms the traditional piping work. It’s easier to disassemble the cartridges no matter in 40” or 60”.
  • Filter housing can have bigger dimension according to the different number of cartridges.


  • Water
  • Ground Water
  • Food Industry
  • Beverage Industry
  • Environmental Industries
  • Electronic Industry
  • Machinery Oil
  • Electroplating Industry
  • Petrochemical Industry
  • Pool
  • Unique Liquid Filtration
  • Industrial Waste Water Treatment
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